#!/bin/bash # LaBriqueInternet HyperCube Installer # Copyright (C) 2016 Julien Vaubourg # Contribute at https://github.com/labriqueinternet/build.labriqueinter.net # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Packages: jq udisks-glue php5-fpm ntfs-3g # TODO: Send dkim dns txt record by mail? set -E set -o pipefail ############### ### HELPERS ### ############### function log() { echo "$(date +'%F %R'): ${1}" | tee -a "$log_filepath/$log_mainfile" } function info() { log "[INFO] ${1}" } function warn() { log "[WARN] ${1}" } function err() { log "[ERR] ${1}" } function logfile() { (( log_fileindex++ )) || true log_file="${log_filepath}/$(printf %02d "${log_fileindex}")-${1}.log" } function logfilter() { while read line; do local passwords=(\ "${settings[vpnclient,login_passphrase]}" \ "${settings[hotspot,wifi_passphrase]}" \ "${settings[yunohost,password]}" \ "${settings[yunohost,user_password]}" \ "${settings[unix,root_password]}" \ "$(cat /etc/yunohost/mysql 2> /dev/null || true)"\ ) IFS=$'\n' local passwords_sorted=($(perl -ne 'push @a, $_; END { print reverse sort { length $a <=> length $b } @a }' <<< "$(printf "%s\n" "${passwords[@]}")")) for i in $(printf "%s\n" "${passwords_sorted[@]}"); do i=$(echo "${i}" | tr '@' '#') local i_echoed=${i/\'/\'\'\'} line=$(echo "${line}" | tr '@' '#') line=$(echo "${line}" | perl -pe "s@\Q${i}\E@/removed/@g") line=$(echo "${line}" | perl -pe "s@\Q${i_echoed}\E@/removed/@g") done echo "${line}" >> $log_file done } function exit_error() { err "${1}" err "Installation aborted" exit_status=1 cleaning } function urlencode() { php -r "echo urlencode('${1/\'/\\\'}');" } ################# ### FUNCTIONS ### ################# function cleaning_error() { err "There was an error on line $1" err "Installation aborted" exit_status=1 cleaning } function cleaning() { trap - EXIT ERR set +E if [ -d "${tmp_dir}" ]; then rm -r "${tmp_dir}" || { warn "Unable to remove ${tmp_dir}" } fi if $keep_debugging; then local usb=$(find /media/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1) if [ -z "${usb}" ]; then info "No USB stick detected for log copying" else if [ $exit_status -eq 0 ]; then info "Please, wait 2 minutes for log copying..." sleep 2m fi for i in $usb; do rm -fr "${i}/hypercube_logs/" || { err "Unable to remove ${i}/hypercube_logs/" } cp -fr $log_filepath "${i}/hypercube_logs/" || { err "Unable to copy $log_filepath to ${i}/hypercube_logs/" } sync info "All logs have been copied to the USB stick - you can remove it" done fi info "4 hours (without reboot) before disabling this interface" info "Please, save this page with Ctrl+S" sync sleep 4h info "Time's up!" warn "This page will be disconnected" info "Shutting down the debugging webserver..." fi sleep 5 if [ ! -z "${webserver_pid}" ]; then kill "${webserver_pid}" fi if iptables -w -nL INPUT | grep -q 2468; then iptables -w -D INPUT -p tcp -s,,, --dport 2468 -j ACCEPT || { err "Unable to delete the netfilter rule" } fi exit $exit_status } function set_logpermissions() { mkdir -p "${log_filepath}" chown root: "${log_filepath}" chmod 0700 "${log_filepath}" } function start_logwebserver() { pushd "${log_filepath}" &> /dev/null python -m SimpleHTTPServer 2468 &> /dev/null & popd &> /dev/null webserver_pid=$( (while true; do if ! iptables -w -nL INPUT | grep -q 2468; then iptables -w -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -s,,, --dport 2468 -j ACCEPT || true fi sleep 1 done &> /dev/null & echo $!) | { read pid; echo $pid; } ) } function find_hypercubefile() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} info "Heating up ..." # This is a yolo-commited quick and dirty hack # to try to avoid the following steps failing miserably # just because DNS resolution is broken # There's possibly a more elegant solution to this # using systemd services but meh I'm lazy and not very expert sleep 10 info "Install some dependencies..." rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* apt-get clean &>> $log_file apt-get update &>> $log_file apt-get install -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' -y --force-yes file udisks2 udiskie ntfs-3g jq &>> $log_file || true info "Detecting USB sticks..." udiskie-mount -a || true sleep 10 local file_found=$(find /media/ -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 3 -regex '.*/install\.hypercube\(\.txt\)?$' | head -n1) if [ -z "${file_found}" ]; then file_found=$(find /root/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -regex '.*/install\.hypercube\(\.txt\)?$' | head -n1) fi if [ ! -z "${file_found}" ]; then info "HyperCube file found" echo "DETECTED FILE: ${file_found}" >> $log_file echo "MIME/CHARSET: $(file -bi "${file_found}")" >> $log_file iconv -f "$(file -bi "${file_found}" | cut -d= -f2)" -t UTF-8 "${file_found}" -o "${hypercube_file}" &>> $log_file else err "No install.hypercube(.txt) file found" fi } function load_json() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} json=$(jq -r 'to_entries|map("\(.key)=\(.value|tostring)")|.[]' "${hypercube_file}" 2>> $log_file) if [ -z "$json" ]; then exit_error "Empty HyperCube (or JSON syntax error)" else echo SUCCESS >> $log_file fi } function extract_settings() { logfile "${FUNCNAME[0]}-${1}" local subjson=$(echo -e "${json}" | grep "^${1}=" | cut -d= -f2-) local vars=$(echo "${subjson}" | jq -r 'to_entries|map("\(.key)=\(.value|tostring)")|.[]' 2>> $log_file) if [ -z "$vars" ]; then exit_error "${1} settings not found (or JSON syntax error)" fi IFS=$'\n'; for i in $vars; do local key=$(echo "${i}" | cut -d= -f1) local value=$(echo "${i}" | cut -d= -f2-) settings[$1,$key]="${value}" if [[ ! -z "$value" && ( "$key" =~ ^crt_ || "$key" =~ pass(word|phrase) ) ]]; then echo "settings[${1},${key}]=/removed/" >> $log_file else echo "settings[${1},${key}]=${value}" >> $log_file fi done } function extract_dotcube() { local subjson=$(echo -e "${json}" | grep "^vpnclient=" | cut -d= -f2-) if [ -z "$subjson" ]; then exit_error "vpnclient settings not found" fi echo "${subjson}" >> "${tmp_dir}/config.cube" } ###################### ### CORE FUNCTIONS ### ###################### function detect_wifidevice() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} local ynh_wifi_device=$(yunohost app setting hotspot wifi_device 2> /dev/null) if [ "${ynh_wifi_device}" == none ]; then ynh_wifi_device=$(iw_devices | awk -F\| '{ print $1 }') echo -n 'WIFI DEVICES: ' >> $log_file iw_devices &>> $log_file if [ ! -z "${ynh_wifi_device}" ]; then info "Wifi device correctly detected after rebooting" echo -e "\nSELECTED: ${ynh_wifi_device}" >> $log_file systemctl stop ynh-hotspot &>> $log_file yunohost app setting hotspot wifi_device -v "${ynh_wifi_device}" --debug &>> $log_file yunohost app setting hotspot service_enabled -v 1 --debug &>> $log_file systemctl start ynh-hotspot &>> $log_file else info "No wifi device detected :(" fi else info "Wifi device already detected, nothing to do" echo "SELECTED WIFI DEVICE: ${ynh_wifi_device}" >> $log_file fi } function deb_changepassword() { echo "root:${settings[unix,root_password]}" | /usr/sbin/chpasswd } function deb_upgrade() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} apt-get update &>> $log_file apt-get dist-upgrade -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' -y --force-yes &>> $log_file || true apt-get autoremove -y --force-yes &>> $log_file || true if [ -f "/var/run/.reboot_required" ] ; then reboot ; fi } function deb_changehostname() { hostnamectl --static set-hostname "${settings[yunohost,domain]}" hostnamectl --transient set-hostname "${settings[yunohost,domain]}" hostnamectl --pretty set-hostname "La Brique Internet (${settings[yunohost,domain]})" } function deb_updatehosts() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} if ! grep -q "::1 ${settings[yunohost,domain]}" /etc/hosts; then echo " ${settings[yunohost,domain]}" >> /etc/hosts echo "::1 ${settings[yunohost,domain]}" >> /etc/hosts fi cat /etc/hosts &>> $log_file } function deb_setlocales_and_tz() { sed -i "s/^# fr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8/fr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8/" /etc/locale.gen sed -i "s/^# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/" /etc/locale.gen locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 # Update timezone echo 'Europe/Paris' > $TARGET_DIR/etc/timezone dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata case "${settings[unix,lang]}" in fr) echo 'LC_ALL="fr_FR.UTF-8"' > /etc/environment ;; *) echo 'LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"' > /etc/environment esac } function ynh_postinstall() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} yunohost tools postinstall -d "${settings[yunohost,domain]}" -p "${settings[yunohost,password]}" --debug |& logfilter } function ynh_addappslist() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} yunohost app fetchlist -n community -u https://app.yunohost.org/community.json --debug &>> $log_file yunohost app fetchlist --debug &>> $log_file } function check_dyndns_list() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} local domains_file="${tmp_dir}/domains" curl https://dyndns.yunohost.org/domains > $domains_file 2>> $log_file local vars=$(jq -r 'to_entries|map("\(.key)=\(.value|tostring)")|.[]' ${domains_file} 2>> $log_file) IFS=$'\n'; for i in $vars; do local domain=$(echo "${i}" | cut -d= -f2-) echo "dyndns_domain: ${domain}" >> $log_file if [[ "${settings[yunohost,domain]}" =~ "${domain}"$ ]]; then is_dyndns_useful=true echo "DynDNS is useful: ${domain}" >> $log_file fi done } function is_dyndns_available() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} local dyndns=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -I -w '%{http_code}' "https://dyndns.yunohost.org/test/${settings[yunohost,domain]}" 2>> $log_file || true) echo "STATUS CODE: ${dyndns}" >> $log_file if [ "${dyndns}" -ne 200 ]; then return 1 fi return 0 } function ynh_removedyndns() { rm -f /etc/cron.d/yunohost-dyndns } function ynh_createuser() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} yunohost user create "${settings[yunohost,user]}" -f "${settings[yunohost,user_firstname]}"\ -l "${settings[yunohost,user_lastname]}" -m "${settings[yunohost,user]}@${settings[yunohost,domain]}"\ -q 0 -p "${settings[yunohost,user_password]}" --admin-password "${settings[yunohost,password]}" --debug |& logfilter } function install_vpnclient() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} yunohost app install vpnclient --force --debug\ --args "domain=$(urlencode "${settings[yunohost,domain]}")&path=/vpnadmin" &>> $log_file } function install_hotspot() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} yunohost app install hotspot --force --debug\ --args "domain=$(urlencode "${settings[yunohost,domain]}")&path=/wifiadmin&wifi_ssid=$(urlencode "${settings[hotspot,wifi_ssid]}")&wifi_passphrase=$(urlencode "${settings[hotspot,wifi_passphrase]}")&firmware_nonfree=$(urlencode "${settings[hotspot,firmware_nonfree]}")" |& logfilter } function install_webmail() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} yunohost app install roundcube --force --debug\ --args "domain=$(urlencode "${settings[yunohost,domain]}")&path=/webmail&with_carddav=1" &>> $log_file || { warn "Roundcube installation failed" } } function configure_hotspot() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} local ynh_wifi_device= yunohost app addaccess hotspot -u "${settings[yunohost,user]}" --debug &>> $log_file yunohost app setting hotspot ip6_dns0 -v "${settings[hotspot,ip6_dns0]}" --debug &>> $log_file yunohost app setting hotspot ip6_dns1 -v "${settings[hotspot,ip6_dns1]}" --debug &>> $log_file yunohost app setting hotspot ip4_dns0 -v "${settings[hotspot,ip4_dns0]}" --debug &>> $log_file yunohost app setting hotspot ip4_dns1 -v "${settings[hotspot,ip4_dns1]}" --debug &>> $log_file yunohost app setting hotspot ip4_nat_prefix -v "${settings[hotspot,ip4_nat_prefix]}" --debug &>> $log_file ynh_wifi_device=$(yunohost app setting hotspot wifi_device 2> /dev/null) if [ "${ynh_wifi_device}" == none ]; then yunohost app setting hotspot service_enabled -v 1 --debug &>> $log_file fi } function configure_vpnclient() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} yunohost app addaccess vpnclient -u "${settings[yunohost,user]}" --debug &>> $log_file yunohost app setting vpnclient service_enabled -v 1 --debug &>> $log_file ynh-vpnclient-loadcubefile.sh -u "${settings[yunohost,user]}" -p "${settings[yunohost,user_password]}" -c "${tmp_dir}/config.cube" &>> $log_file || true } function monitoring_ip() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} set +E for i in {1-6}; do tmplog=$(mktemp /tmp/hypercube-monitoring_ip-XXXX) date >> $tmplog echo -e "\n" >> $tmplog echo IP ADDRESS >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog ip addr &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo IP6 ROUTE >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog ip -6 route &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo IP4 ROUTE >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog ip route &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo RESOLV.CONF >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog cat /etc/resolv.conf &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo PING6 WIKIPEDIA.ORG >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog ping6 -c 3 wikipedia.org &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo PING4 WIKIPEDIA.ORG >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog ping -c 3 wikipedia.org &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo PING 2620:0:862:ed1a::1 >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog ping6 -c 3 2620:0:862:ed1a::1 &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo PING >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog ping -c 3 &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo TRACEROUTE 2620:0:862:ed1a::1 >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog traceroute6 -n 2620:0:862:ed1a::1 &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo TRACEROUTE >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog traceroute -n &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo IW DEV >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog iw dev &>> $tmplog mv $tmplog $log_file sleep 300 done & } function monitoring_firewalls() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} set +E for i in {1-6}; do tmplog=$(mktemp /tmp/hypercube-monitoring_firewalls-XXXX) date >> $tmplog echo -e "\n" >> $tmplog echo IP6TABLES -nvL >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog ip6tables -nvL &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo IPTABLES -nvL >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog iptables -w -nvL &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo 'IPTABLES -t nat -nvL' >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog iptables -w -t nat -nvL &>> $tmplog mv $tmplog $log_file sleep 300 done & } function monitoring_processes() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} set +E for i in {1-6}; do tmplog=$(mktemp /tmp/hypercube-monitoring_processes-XXXX) date >> $tmplog echo -e "\n" >> $tmplog echo YNH-VPNCLIENT STATUS >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog ynh-vpnclient status &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo YNH-HOTSPOT STATUS >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog ynh-hotspot status &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo 'PS AUX | GREP OPENVPN' >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog ps aux | grep openvpn &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo 'PS AUX | GREP DNSMASQ' >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog ps aux | grep dnsmasq &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo 'PS AUX | GREP HOSTAPD' >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog ps aux | grep hostapd &>> $tmplog echo -e "\n\n" >> $tmplog echo 'NETSTAT -pnat' >> $tmplog echo ================= >> $tmplog netstat -pnat &>> $tmplog mv $tmplog $log_file sleep 300 done & } function monitoring_yunohost() { logfile ${FUNCNAME[0]} set +E for i in {1-6}; do tmplog=$(mktemp /tmp/hypercube-monitoring_ynh-XXXX) date >> $tmplog echo -e "\n" >> $tmplog yunohost tools diagnosis --debug &>> $tmplog mv $tmplog $log_file sleep 300 done & } function end_installation() { log_fileindex=90 detect_wifidevice monitoring_ip monitoring_firewalls monitoring_processes monitoring_yunohost cp /var/log/openvpn-client.log "${log_filepath}/var_log_openvpn.log" || true cp /var/log/daemon.log "${log_filepath}/var_log_daemon.log" cp /var/log/syslog "${log_filepath}/var_log_syslog.log" info "Finished!" rm -f /root/install.hypercube systemctl disable hypercube } ######################## ### GLOBAL VARIABLES ### ######################## declare -A settings tmp_dir=$(mktemp -dp /tmp/ labriqueinternet-installhypercube-XXXXX) hypercube_file="${tmp_dir}/install.hypercube" exit_status=0 webserver_pid= is_dyndns_useful=false log_filepath=/var/log/hypercube/ log_mainfile=install.log log_fileindex=0 log_file= keep_debugging=true json= ############## ### SCRIPT ### ############## trap cleaning EXIT trap 'cleaning_error $LINENO' ERR # YunoHost was installed without the HyperCube system if [ -f /etc/yunohost/installed -a ! -f "${log_filepath}/enabled" ]; then info "YunoHost is already post-installed" info "Disabling HyperCube... Bye!" systemctl disable hypercube keep_debugging=false exit 0 fi info "===== Start HyperCube Service =====" set_logpermissions start_logwebserver # firstrun/secondrun not finished # should never happen if [ ! -f /etc/yunohost/cube_installed ]; then info "Waiting for the end of the FS resizing..." keep_debugging=false exit 0 fi # ARMbian not finished resizing if [ -f /var/run/resize2fs-reboot ]; then info "Waiting for the end of the FS resizing..." keep_debugging=false exit 0 fi # Second boot if [ -f "${log_filepath}/enabled" ]; then info "Starting second step" end_installation # First boot else info "Looking for HyperCube file" find_hypercubefile if [ ! -r "${hypercube_file}" -o ! -s "${hypercube_file}" ]; then exit_error "Cannot continue without a usable HyperCube file" fi info "Loading JSON" load_json info "Extracting settings for Unix" extract_settings unix info "Extracting settings for YunoHost" extract_settings yunohost info "Extracting settings for Wifi Hotspot" extract_settings hotspot info "Extracting settings for VPN Client (logging)" extract_settings vpnclient info "Extracting .cube file for VPN Client" extract_dotcube info "Updating Debian root password" deb_changepassword info "Changing hostname" deb_changehostname info "Updating hosts file" deb_updatehosts info "Setting locales" deb_setlocales_and_tz info "Upgrading Debian/YunoHost..." deb_upgrade info "Check online DynDNS domains list" check_dyndns_list if $is_dyndns_useful; then info "Checking DynDNS domain availability" if ! is_dyndns_available; then exit_error "Unavailable DynDNS subdomain" fi fi # From this line, meeting an error means reflashing the sdcard before retrying touch "${log_filepath}/enabled" info "Doing YunoHost post-installation..." ynh_postinstall if ! $is_dyndns_useful; then info "Removing DynDNS cron" ynh_removedyndns fi info "Fetching YunoHost apps list for labriqueinternet" ynh_addappslist info "Creating first user" ynh_createuser info "Installing VPN Client..." install_vpnclient info "Installing Wifi Hotspot..." install_hotspot info "Installing Roundcube Webmail..." install_webmail || true info "Configuring VPN Client..." configure_vpnclient info "Configuring Wifi Hotspot..." configure_hotspot info "Rebooting..." if [ -f /etc/crypttab ]; then warn "Once rebooted, you have to give the passphrase for uncrypting your Cube" fi sleep 5 keep_debugging=false systemctl reboot fi exit 0